We can post in any lokation ( Canada & the USA ) and any property type by using the Toronto Regional Real Estate Board MLS system.
All appointments are direct from tenant.
All posting will be searchable on Realtor.ca
TIP 1: If you have multiple buildings in different LoKations, we suggest listing one unit in each of the buildings for 6 – 12 months. This will provide continual exposure allowing the property manager to create a waiting list of Seniors and basically the posting runs non stop. You can keep the posting active indefinitely by renewing.
For privacy reasons, identify the suite as a unit number being a fictious suite.. add the letter “A ” or ” B ” to it. For example identify it as suite 202 A.
TIP 2. We also suggest listing the lowest priced suite and during the appointment you can always show them others. The prices below represent one posting for the duration. ie One posting / one suite. Example: The suite will appear on Realtor.ca for 12 months for a recurring monthly fee of $ 75. plus HST. You will get reminders to renew.
The posting will be uploaded to MLS or Realtor.ca within 3 business days . ( Note: The posting will not appear on Realtor.ca if the payment is not made or is cancelled in which the posting will be removed & the contract will be cancelled for non payment). After paying you will be redirected to input the data of each available unit. By paying for the service you authorize the broker to post the property onto the Toronto Regional Real Estate Board and to run for the paid duration. No refunds after the suite is posted to the Toronto Regional Real Estate Board. The fees below do not include HST.